Workshop Details

All workshops are interactive and designed to address a number of specific expectations from the Ontario Curriculum for the Arts. In a one hour period, grade 7 and 8 students will learn how music and movement are utilized in the traditional theatre setting and see how this medium is accessible to them.

The Teacher's Package includes:

  • Copies of all sheet music used
  • Student notes, so that no pens and papers are required during the workshop itself
  • Evaluation rubric

Music in Theatre

Students will learn elements of vocalization including pitch, tone, articulation, projection, breathing, muscle control and posture, and then incorporate what they have learned
into an expressive vocal performance.

Price: $175.00

Dance in Theatre

Students will rehearse and perform a simple choreographed dance routine in the jazz style and then work together to choreograph a second routine which they will also perform. Focus will be on communicating meaning to the audience through movement.

Price: $175.00

Follow-up Classes

Both workshops can be enhanced with a second follow-up workshop. This gives the students an opportunity to rehearse their performances. The focus in the follow-up workshop is to help students fine tune their performances into a more professional "product".

Price: $100.00


© 2004, Sarah Lannigan